all other persons hereafter becoming members of the
corporation hereby created according to the constitu-
tion, rules and by-laws of the same, are hereby created
and made, and declared to be a corporation and body
politic, by the name of the Church Extension Society
of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the city of Bal-
timore, and Precincts, and by that name shall have
perpetual succession, and be able and capable in law to
sue and be sued, answer and be answered in any court
of law or equity, or in any other place whatsoever, to re-
ceive by purchase, gift, devise or otherwise, and to hold
real and personal estate, and the same to grant, alien;
devise, release, or dispose of, to make, have and use a
common seal, and the same to change or renew, and
generally to do any other act or thing necessary to car-
ry into effect the provisions of this act, and to promote
the objects of the said corporation; Provided, however,
that the clear yearly value of the real and person-
al estate to be held by the said corporation, shall not at
any one time exceed the sum often thousand dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, And it whereby de-
clared, that the objects of the said Society are to secure
lots of ground within the city of Baltimore and Pre-
cincts, in suitable locations for churches, or sabbath
schools, to erect churches or houses for sabbath schools,
all church edifices so soon as they shall be fully com-
pleted and paid for, to be duly conveyed to the socie-
ties worshiping therein by deed according to the provi-
sions of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, to aid feeble societies, churches or congrega-
tions, by loans, donations or otherwise, to acquire, hold
and dispose of real and personal estate, for the better
accomplishment of the foregoing objects.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the officers of the
said society shall be a president, four vice presidents, a
secretary, a treasurer, and an executive committee, to consist of one itinerant preacher, and one layman for
each station in the city of Baltimore, who shall together
constitute a board of managers, and shall be elected at
the annual meetings of the said society, and shall con-
tinue in office until their successor be appointed.
Meetings for
election of of-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the society shall
meet annually, at such time and place as shall be pre-
scribed by the board of managers, for the purpose of
electing officers, receiving and acting upon reports, and
transacting any other business that may be deemed ap-
propriate of which meetings such notice shall be given
as may be determined by the board of managers.