SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person
shall sell, and dispose of, within the limits of the said
town of Cumberland, for consumption within the said
town, any flour that has not been previously inspected
by the flour inspector of said town, the persons so of-
fending shall forfeit the sum of one dollar for each and
every barrel so sold, to be recovered as other small
debts out of court.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Beverly Waugh, John Bear, Ni-
cholas J. B. Morgan, Sterling Thomas, Robert G.
Armstrong, Isaac P. Cook, Benjamin N. Brown, Ber-
nard H. Nadal, Richard Brown, J. McKendre Reiley,
Eldridge R. Veitch, William Hamilton, John A. Gere,
Philip D. Lipscomb, Thomas H. Busey, John Poisal,
Elisha D. Owen, Benjamin F. Brooke, Gideon H.
Day, Henry Furlong, George C. M. Roberts, Martin
W. Mettee, George Merryman, Lewis Hudson, Ed-
ward C. Thomas, Clarke Cottrell, William George
Baker, William Ortwine, Lewis Perry, George San-
ders, Job Smith, William G. Young, William Bennett,
Frederick Dolefield, James Gamble, S. D. Foy, and