ber of the most public places in said town, and the said
collector shall then and there proceed to sell by public
auction to the highest bidder for cash so much of the
property as may be necessary to pay the amount of
taxes due from such delinquent with the interest there-
on together with the costs incurred by said collector by
reason of the non-payment of said taxes and it shall be
the duty of the said collector on the payment, of the
purchase money of any real property sold by him as
aforesaid, to convey the same by deed to the purchaser
or purchasers thereof; Provided however, that nothing
herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent any
owners of any real estate prior to the sale from redeem-
ing the same and recovering possession thereof agreea-
bly to the acts of the General Assembly of Maryland ;
Provided, in like cases with reference to the collection
of the taxes levied for the use of this State, and the
purchaser or purchasers of any real or personal pro-
perty sold by the said collector shall have the same re-
medies for obtaining possession thereof as are now by
law extended in like cases to purchasers of real or per-
sonal property, from the collectors of the taxes levied
as aforesaid for the use of the State and for the person-
al security of the said collector in the performance of
his duties as such and of persons attending upon any
sale made so as aforesaid, he, the said collector shall be
and is hereby clothed with the like powers and authori-
ty as now pertain in like cases to the aforesaid collec-
tors of the State assessment.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the burgess and
commissioners aforesaid may direct by ordinance all or
any of the footways in said town to be laid off and
levelled, paved, embed or mended and repaired with
any material which to them may seem best, and such
leveling, paving and curbing or repairing shall be made
and done at the expense of the proprietors of the dif-
ferent lots or portions of lots before which the burgess
and commissioners shall direct the same to be done,
and if the owner or owners of any house, lot or part of
a lot where such leveling, curbing, paving, repairing
or mending shall he directed to be done shall not reside
in the said town, the tenant or person occupying the
same or the person who shad have the charge or care
thereof, shall cause the same to be done before the front
of such possession and the money expended by such
tenant or other person in and about the said work in
obedience to the ordinance and direction of the bur-
gess and commissioners aforesaid, shall be allowed by
Power compel
paving, &c.