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Session Laws, 1854
Volume 616, Page 370   View pdf image
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SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That so much
of said costs and expenses as is due to persons resident
in the county where said cases are tried or removed to,
shall first be paid by that county in the same manner
and at the same time as similar costs and expenses in
cases originating in said county are now levied and paid.

Manner of be-
ing paid.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the coun-
ty commissioners for the county from whence such
cases are removed shall at the first annual levy after the
returns made by the clerks as herein required, levy in
gross for the use of the county where said cases are re-
moved for trial so much of said costs and expenses as
are required by the third section of this act, to be first
paid by that county and the residue for the several
parties entitled thereto by said return.

Authority to


SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the returns
of the clerks of the courts required by this act shall be
made annually in the mouth of July, between the first
and tenth of said month and for each neglect by any
clerk of the duty imposed by this act, he shall forfeit
and pay the sum of fifty dollars, recoverable by indict-
ment, one-half thereof to the informer and the residue
thereof to the county whereof he is clerk for the bene-
fit of the school fund.


SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the pro-
visions of this act shall be applicable to all cases re-
moved to or from the city of Baltimore, and that in cases
removed from said city the returns provided for in the
second section of this act shall be made to the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, who shall levy and
pay the costs in the same manner as is provided in the
fourth section of this act.

Provisions ap-

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Session Laws, 1854
Volume 616, Page 370   View pdf image
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