said county, the place selected for locating the county
seat of justice as aforesaid, on the land which they may
acquire by donation or purchase as aforesaid, and the
plan of said court house or building, as well as the ma-
terials with which the same may be constructed, is
hereby left to the sound discretion and judgment of the
said commissioners or a majority of them, they having
a due regard to the objects and purposes for which the
said building is required, for the use of said county ;
Provided, however, the sum of money contracted to be
paid for the erection and completion of said building or
court house, shall not exceed thirty thousand dollars,
and good and sufficient bonds shall be taken by the
said commissioners or a majority of them, from the
party or parties contracting to erect said building, in
the name of the county commissioners of Baltimore
county, as a security for the faithful performance of
such contract or contracts that may be entered into.
Erection of a
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners or a majority of them, be, and they are hereby
authorised and empowered, to erect a suitable jail at
Towsontown, in said county, the place selected for loca-
ting the county seat of justice as aforesaid, on the land
which they may acquire by donation or purchase as
aforesaid, and the plan of said building or jail as well
as the materials with which the same may be construc-
ted, is hereby left to the sound discretion and judgment
of the said commissioners or a majority of them, they
having due regard to the objects and purposes for
which the said building is required, for the use of
said county; Provided, however, the sum of money
contracted to be paid for the erection and completion of
said building or jail, shall not exceed twelve thousand
dollars, and good and sufficient bonds shall be taken
by the said commissioners or a majority of them, from
the party or parties contracting to erect said building,
in the name of the county commissioners of Baltimore,
county as a security for the faithful performance of such
contract or contracts that may be entered into.
Certificates of
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the county com-
missioners for Baltimore county, ate hereby authorised
and directed to sell from time to time, as occasion may
require, for the purposes of this act, so much of the five
per cent, certificates of stock or loan of the city of Bal-
timore, amounting to sixty-eight thousand five hundred
dollars, which the said commissioners heretofore re-
ceived from said city, in the division of the joint pro-
perty of said city and county, and now held by said
commissioners for the use of said county, as may be