the first Monday of May next, the remaining commis-
sioners are hereby authorised and directed to fill such
vacancy or vacancies.
Per diem.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That each commissioner
shall be entitled to receive at the rule of two dollars per
day, for every day he shall act in the discharge of the
duties imposed on him by the provisions of this act, to be
assessed and levied by the county commissioners of
Frederick county, as other county charges are, which
said sum when levied and collected, shall be paid over
in like manner us other county charges are.
Rights of in-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the inhabitants
of said district shall be in all respects entitled to all the
rights, liberties and privileges held or to be held and
enjoyed by the other election districts in said county.
In force.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, Thai this act shall take
effect from the day of its passage.
Mar. 9, 1854.
AN ACT to provide for the erection of a Court House
and other appropriate public buildings in Baltimore
WHEREAS, By an act of the General Assembly of
Maryland passed on the thirtieth day of May, eigh-
teen hundred and fifty-three, chapter four hundred
and fifty-two, the voters of Baltimore county have
selected Towsontown, in said county, the seat of
justice for the same; And whereas, Henry B. Chew,
Benjamin N. Payne and Grafton M. Bosley, have
agreed to give for the erection of a court house and
jail for said county, a lot of ground of not less than
five acres, and to leave it to the county commission-
ers of said county, or to any other proper authority,
to determine which of certain lots of five acres, each
in said Towsontown or its vicinity, they will select
for said purposes; Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Joseph D. Pope, Joshua Hutchins,
Edward S. Myers, William Slater and Charles Timanns,