Clerk enti-
tled to fifty
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the
said circuit court shall he entitled to fifty cents each for
every license so as aforesaid granted.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any persons taking
oysters within the waters of said county, with a scoop
or drag, without the license provided for by the second
section of this act, or who is not a citizen of this county,
as therein provided, or otherwise contrary to the pro-
visions of this act, shall be subject to all the penalties
now provided for by law against such offence.
Money to be
applied to the
school fund.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the money arising
from the issue of such license as aforesaid, shall be
paid by the said clerk to the County Treasurer of the
school fund for the benefit of said fund, and to be dis-
tributed as the school fund is now distributed.
In case of
acquittal the
county to pay
SEC 6. And be it enacted, That in all cases where
a vessel or individuals have been, or shall hereafter be
tried, either upon appeal or otherwise, for a violation of
the laws of this State, regulating the taking or catching
oysters, and such vessel or individuals shall by judg-
ment of the circuit court or justice of the peace for
Somerset county be acquitted or discharged, it shall be
the duty of the county authorities to pay the legal costs
of defending the prosecution to such individuals or the
owner of such vessel.
Power of jus-
tice of peace.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That power and autho-
rity are hereby given to any justice of the peace upon
the oath or affirmation of any credible white witness,
to issue a warrant to any sheriff, constable or other
officer, civil or military, and to all persons licensed un-
der the provisions of this act, to make all arrests and
seizures necessary to carry the said act into effect.
In force.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect on the first day of March in the year eighteen
hundred and fifty-four.