tioned, shall be divided or apportioned in the following
manner: one-half to the officer and those who assisted
him in making the arrest and seizure, and the balance
to be paid over to the commissioners of the county for
the benefit of the school fund of the county.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
In force.
A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to the act of Assembly
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-three, chapter two hundred and fifty-four, en-
titled, an act to prevent the destruction of oysters
in the waters of this State, and the several supple-
ments thereto, and entitled, an act to regulate the
catching of oysters in the waters of Somerset county.
Feb. 10, 1854.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That it shall be lawful for the citizens
of Somerset county, to take or catch oysters with a
scoop or drag in any of the waters of said county, not
parcel of any creek or river, not within two hundred
yards distance from the shore, and in waters not less
than twenty-one feet deep.
Lawful to
catch oysters
with scoop or
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Somerset
county, upon the application of any citizen of said
county, to issue a license to such citizen, authorising
him to take and catch oysters, with scoops or drags, in
the waters of said county, subject to the provisions of
this act, for one year from the date of said license, for
which the person or persons so applying shall pay to
Duty of the
clerk to issue
said clerk the sum of fifteen dollars; Provided, that
the person so applying for a license shall be first requir-
ed to make oath, that he is a bona fide owner of the
vessel to be licensed, that he has been a bona fide citizen
of the State for one year immediately preceding said
application, and six months a resident of the county,
and that the license is intended for his use only.