Mar. 9, 1854.
AN ACT amendatory of an act to incorporate the Wash-
ington county Railroad Company, passed at January
session eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter four
hundred and thirty-one.
Authority to
construct a
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Washington county railroad
company, be, and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered to locale and construct a railroad from Hagers-
town to any point on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
on the Potomac river within the limits of Washington
county, in addition to the road or roads authorised by
the above act.
Powers con-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all the powers are
hereby conferred and all the restrictions imposed in the
construction of the railroad herein authorised which are
contained in the above act.
Authority to
increase the
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of the Washington county railroad company may be in-
creased at the discretion of the directors, to an amount
not exceeding three millions of dollars.
Mar, 9, 1854.
AN ACT to authorise and empower the commission-
ers of Washington county, in their discretion to com-
pensate Doctors Henry Zeller, Samuel Weisel and
W. H. Sheppard, for professional services rendered
during the prevalence of the cholera in the Town of
Williamsport and its vicinity in the summer of eigh-
teen hundred and fifty-three.
Authority to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the commissioners of Washington
county, are hereby authorised and empowered in their
discretion to levy a sum of money sufficient to pay to
Doctors Henry Zeller, Samuel Weisel and W. H.
Sheppard of the town of Williamsport in Washington
county, whatever the said commissioners may deem