Feb. 10, 1854.
AN ACT to protect Wild Ducks and other wild fowl,
in the rivers, creeks and waters of Anne Arundel
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That if any person or persons shall use
any sink boats, sneak boats, or floats, in any of the ri-
vers, creeks, or waters of Anne Arundel county, while
engaged in shooting at or killing wild ducks or other
wild fowl, he or they shall be subject to a fine of not
less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each
and every offence; and all things hereinafter enumera-
ted which shall have been used in violation of this law
Things enu-
shall be forfeited; that is to say: the sink boats, sneak
boats, crafts or floats, the gun or guns, ammunition, and
all other property found in the possession or use of such
person or persons at the time of the arrest and seizure,
together with the boat, craft or float, and all things on
board or belonging to the same, employed to convey the
said person or persons to any of the aforesaid waters, for
the purpose or use of any or all of the above enumera-
ted articles in the manner aforesaid; and all which said
articles, boat, craft or float, and all other property seized
and taken by virtue of this law, shall be condemned and
sold, and the proceeds distributed as hereinafter provi-
Authority to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any sheriff, consta-
ble or commissioned militia officer, of Anne Arundel
county, who shall be satisfied, either upon his own view
or from information received of any other poison on oath,
that any person or persons have violated any of the pro-
visions of this law, such officer shall be and he is here-
by authorised and empowered to arrest and take into his
custody such person or persons so offending, and the
boatmen found on board or belonging to the boat or float
employed, to convey any or alt of such offenders to Anne
Arundel county, for the purpose of shooting at or kill-
ing wild ducks, or wild fowl of any description, in con-
travention of this act; and he shall seize and take into
his possession the said boat or craft, and all the appur-
tenances belonging to the same, and all the articles and
other properly enumerated in the first section of this
act; and the said officers shall carry the said person or
persons so arrested before a justice of the peace of
Anne Arundel county, representing to the justice the
Justice to
take cogni-
breach of law committed; and the said justice shall be
and he is hereby authorised to take cognizance of the