offence then charged, and he shall docket a case in the
name of the State against each person in the custody of
the said officers, and immediately have summoned be-
fore him the witness or witnesses in the case or cases,
and shall examine the said witness or witnesses on oath,
and any white person or persons who aided the said
officer in making the arrest and seizure shall be a com-
petent witness against the parties charged; and the said
justice shall enquire fully into the alleged offence, of
which finding sink boats, sneak boots or floats on board
of the said boat or craft employed as aforesaid or in the
possession or use of the person or persons charged with
offending against this law, shall be considered us prima
facie evidence of guilt, and after a full investigation of
the case or cases, if the justice shall think the charge
groundless, he shall immediately dismiss the same, at
the cost of the county; but if he shall be of opinion
that any wild ducks or other wild fowl have been shot
at or killed in violation of this law, he shall impose
fines of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty
dollars on each and every person engaged directly or
indirectly therein for each and every offence, and he
may commit him or them to the county jail, in the
event of their not paying the fines thus imposed, if the
officers making the arrest and seizure desire it, and if
committed the officer who desired the commitment shall
pay the jail fees, at the. rate of twenty-five cents per
day; and in case of a failure to pay the said fees for
the space of three consecutive days, the party whose
jail fees have thus remained unpaid shall be discharged
from confinement, and he shall adjudge and condemn
as forfeited to the said officer and to the person or per-
sons who may have aided him in making the arrest and
seizure, the boat or craft in the possession of the officers,
together with her papers, furniture, tackle and apparel,
and all things on board of her at the time of her seizure,
and all or any property in the possession of the said
officer, found seized and taken as aforesaid; and the
said officer, with the persons who aided him in making
the arrest and seizure, shall sell the same to the highest
bidder, after ten days notice.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons convicted of offending against this act, shall
think himself or themselves aggrieved by such convic-
tion, he or they shall be at liberty to appeal from the
judgment of the justice of the peace at any time within
ten days from the rendition thereof to the circuit court
of Anne Arundel county, the judge of which is hereby
empowered and directed, upon the petition of the ap-
plicant or applicants, in a summary way and without
Right of ap-