CHAP. 93.
Cumberland Coal and Iron company, in such man-
ner that, in the opinion of the Commissioners of
Public Works of this State, no injury will he done,
by such connections, to the rail road or rail roads
of said company, and the said company shall be autho-
rised to charge any such citizen or citizens, or other
company or companies so connecting, when using their
own cars, at a rate not exceeding two cents per ton per
mile, on all coal or other articles that may be so trans-
ported on the rail road or rail roads of the said Cum-
berland Coal and Iron company, from any point on
said rail roads, to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal or
the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, at Cumberland;
and on all articles transported in such cars by the own-
ers thereof, on their return, the said company shall be
authorised to charge the same rales of toll and prices
of transportation as the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road
company are, or shall be, by law, allowed to charge
and receive; Provided, that the said company shall re-
turn the empty cars, of such citizens or companies, to
the point or points from whence they started, free of
charge; and provided further, that no cars shall be
placed on any rail road of the said Cumberland Coal
and Iron company as aforesaid, unless they be adapted
in size and all necessary particulars to said rail road, in
accordance with the regulations of the said company,
which shall, at all times, provide the necessary motive
power for running said cars, and the said cars shall be
in the exclusive care and charge of the said company,
whilst on its rail road.
Rates of
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That said Cum-
berland Coal and Iron company shall provide all neces-
sary means, and transport all persons and property, that
may be offered for transportation on its said rail roads ;
and in all cases, other than those provided for in the
aforegoing section, or in all cases when the said company
furnishes the cars and motive power, and is subject to
all the expenses chargeable to transportation, it shall be
authorised to charge at a rale not exceeding two and a
half cents per ton per mile, on all coal and other arti-
cles, and two cents per mile for every passenger that
may be transported, in descending cars from any point
on its said rail roads, to the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal or the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, at Cum-
berland; and it shall be authorised to charge the same
rates of toll and prices of transportation on all articles
and passengers that may be transported in ascending
cars from Cumberland to any point on its said rail
roads, as the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road company