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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 74   View pdf image
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Cumberland Coal and Iron company, now limited to
four shall be increased to twelve.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all meet-
ings of the stockholders of said company, may be held
either at their place of business in Allegany county,
Baltimore, Williamsport, or New York city, as the
company may direct, instead of being confined at Cum-

CHAP. 93.

Place of meet-

berland alone; Provided, that whenever any such
meeting shall be held at any place other than the place

of business of said company in Allegany county, notice
thereof shall be given, by advertisement inserted once
a week for three weeks before the day of such meet-
ing, in one or more newspapers published in Cumber-
land, and twice a week for three weeks before said day,
in one or more daily newspapers published in the city of


SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That said Cum-
berland Coal and Iron company, may hold not exceed-
ing twelve thousand acres of land, instead of being
limited to five thousand acres of land.

Number of

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said com-
pany, be, and is hereby authorised to call in its present
certificates of stock of the nominal value of five hun-
dred dollars per share, and to issue, instead thereof,
certificates of shares of stock of the nominal value of
one hundred dollars per share, to the amount of the
capital stock authorised by said act, so that in lieu of
every original share, of the par value of every five
hundred dollars, there shall be substituted five shares
of stock of the par value of one hundred dollars each.


of stock.

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That said com-
pany be, and is hereby further authorised and empow-
ered, in lieu of constructing any such rail road, as is
authorised in said act, or in addition to any such rail
road, to purchase any existing rail roads in Allegany
county, constructed by any other corporations, with
the same rights, powers and franchises, in respect of
any such railroads so to be purchased, as the said com-
pany has, or would have, in respect to any rail road
that may or might be constructed by said company,


to purchase,
in lieu of con-
structing, any
existing rail
road, in Alle-
gany county.

under the provisions of its charter; Provided, that said
company shall, not construct or own more than one line

of rail road through the gap at Wills' mountain, near
Cumberland; and full right and privilege is hereby
reserved to the citizens of this State, or any other com-
pany or companies, now, or hereafter to be incorporated
under the authority of this State, to connect any other
rail road or rail roads with the rail road or rail roads that
may hereafter be constructed or purchased by the said


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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 74   View pdf image
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