CHAP. 88.
Passed April
24, 1852.
AN ACT for the Relief of the Collector of Direct
Tax in Frederick County.
WHEREAS, The Collector of direct tax of Frede-
rick county, for the years eighteen hundred and fifty
and eighteen hundred and fifty-one, in obedience to
the direction of the late Treasurer, has accounted regu-
larly every month to the treasury, together with the
principal collected, the full interest thereon, under the
act of eighteen hundred and forty-seven, chapter two
hundred sixty-six. Therefore,
authorised to
settle with J.
W. Geyer.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Comptroller of the Treasury
be, and he is hereby authorized to settle with John W.
Geyer, collector of the direct tax, in Frederick county, for
eighteen hundred and fifty, and eighteen hundred and
fifty-one, in accordance with the directions of the late
Treasurer, and in conformity with the said Treasurer's
account of indebtedness of the said Collector to the
State, for and on account of said years.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.
Passed April
26, 1852.
AN ACT entitled, an act for the Division of Pri-
mary School District, number twenty-eight, of
Howard County, into two Separate Districts.
ers appointed.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Lloyd W. Linthicum, Charles
Carr, and Martin H. Batson, be, and they are hereby
appointed commissioners, to divide primary school dis-
trict, number twenty-eight, of Howard county, in two
separate and distinct districts, and when the said dis-
trict shall be so divided, the said commissioners, or a
majority of them, shall have full power and authority
to sell the present school house, together with the lot of
ground attached thereto, and apply the proceeds of the
sale thereof to the purchase of a lot of land in each of
said districts, and to the erection of school houses