the agriculturists, relieved this article from the payment
of duties, which, together with the increased facilities of
procuring vessels to import it, it was believed would re-
duce the price, but which instead of having that effect
has rather tended to increase the profits of the importer,
the high price having continued with little or no abate-
ment, and without any apparent cause therefor, except
the monopoly by which this trade is controlled; And
whereas, it is believed that it would be highly advan-
tageous to the agriculturists of Maryland, if some com-
mercial arrangement could be made between the United
States and the Governments from which guano is ob-
tained, by which the trade in the article could be libe-
rated from the monoply by which it is shackled; There-
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Senators and Representatives in Con-
gress from this State, be requested to procure, if prac-
ticable, such commercial arrangements to be made by
our Government with the countries furnishing guano,
as will open the trade in that article to the free compe-
tition of all our citizens, and break up the monoply
now engrossed by a few.
No. 10.
Resolution requesting our Representatives in Congress to
obtain from the Secretary of the Navy, a copy of instruc-
tions and the report upon the subject of anthracite and
semi-bituminous Coals.
Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That our Senators and Representatives in the
Congress of the United States be requested to obtain
from the Secretary of the Navy, a copy of his instruc-
tions to C. B. Stuart, directing him to make an exami-
nation, with a view to test the comparative value of an-
thracite and the semi-bituminous coal of Allegany
county, Maryland, and also to obtain a copy of the re-
port, or reports, of the said C. B. Stuart, made in pur-
suance of instructions from the Secretary of the Navy.
Resolved, That our Senators and Representatives
be requested to ascertain from the Secretary of the Navy,
if any thing has occurred to call in question the accura-
Passed April
21, 1852.