Passed May
3, 1852.
Resolution requesting our Representatives in Congress to
use their influence in procuring the passage of a law,
granting to the heirs of Baron De Kalb compensation
for his services.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assem-
bly, that the representatives of the Baron De Kalb, a
Major General in the service of the United States, in
the war of the Revolution, and who at the action of
Camden, on the sixteenth day of August, seventeen
hundred and eighty, when leading on the troops of
the Maryland and Delaware lines, and animating them
by his example, to deeds of valor, lost his life; There-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That our Senators and Representatives in the Congress
of the United States, be requested to use their influence
in procuring the passage of a law, granting to the heirs
of the lamented De Kalb compensation for the services
of their illustrious ancestor, as a Major General in the
service of the United States, in the war of the Revolu-
Resolved, That his Excellency, the Governor, be
requested to transmit to our Senators and Representa-
tives in Congress, a copy of the foregoing preamble and
No. 9.
Passed May
25, 1853.
Resolution regarding ike Guano Trade.
WHEREAS, the trade in guano, from the extensive
use of that manure by our agriculturists, has become of
great interest to the people of the State, and any ar-
rangement that would reduce the price of this article
would confer a large benefit on the public; And where-
as, a few years since, Congress, with a view to benefit