Be it therefore resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Senators and Representatives of
this State, in the Congress of the United States, be re-
quested to use their best exertions, to cause to be made,
a survey by the General Government, as speedily as
practicable, of the said channel and sound, for the pur-
pose of affixing said buoys, and to obtain an appropria-
tion therefor.
Further Resolved, That His Excellency the Go-
vernor, be requested to transmit the a forgoing preamble
and resolution to each of the Senators and Represen-
tatives of this State, in the Congress of the United
No. 6.
Resolution in relation to copies of the Reports of the Court
of Appeals, and Acts of Assembly deposited with the
Clerks of County Courts.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the State Librarian, be and he is hereby request-
ed, to address a circular to each of the Clerks of the Cir-
cuit conns of this State, and the clerk of the Superior
court, of Baltimore city, asking the return of all dupli-
cate copies of the reports of the Court of Appeals, and
all copied of Acts of Assembly, left in their offices for
distribution and not called for by the persons emitted to
the same; said copies when so relumed to be placed in
the State Library, subject to the future control of the
General Assembly.
No. 7.
Passed Feb.
27, 1852.
Resolution authorising the Comptroller of the Treasury to
rent a room for an office.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Comptroller of the treasury department, be,
and he is hereby authorised, to rent some convenient
room for an office in the city of Annapolis, wherein the
business of his office may be transacted until provision
Passed March
2, 1852.