No. 3.
Passed Feb.
4, 1852.
Resolution directing the Librarian to furnish the Land
office with certain Laws, &c.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Librarian be directed to furnish the Land
office with Dorsey's Laws of Maryland, and the sub-
sequent Laws of this State, if they can be spared from
the Library.
No. 4.
Passed Feb.
6, 1852.
Resolution requesting our Representatives in Congress, to
exert their influence to have a law passed, making free
so much of the Baltimore and Washington Turnpike
Road, as lies within the District of Columbia.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Senators and Representatives in Congress
from this State, are hereby requested to use their in-
fluence in procuring the passage of a law, making free
so much of the Baltimore and Washington turnpike
road as lies within the District of Columbia.
No. 5.
Passed Feb.
11, 1852.
Resolutions requesting our Representatives in Congress
to exert their influence to have Buoys placed in Poco-
moke Sound, &c.
WHEREAS it is believed, that commerce and naviga-
tion would be greatly facilitated and promoted by affix-
ing buoys to mark the bars in Pocomoke sound, and
the channel running between Watts' island and Fox's
island, and between Pocomoke sound and Tangier
sound, and for the want of such buoys and marks, that
said channel and sound cannot now be navigated with-
out great risk ;