CHAP. 367.
and discreet persons to perform the duties of bailiff,
constable and collector, within the limits of said town,
who, before they shall proceed to the execution of their
duties, shall take an oath or affirmation, to be administer-
ed by a justice of the peace for the said county, that they
will faithfully and impartially perform the duties requir-
ed of them, as bailiff, constable and collector, within
the limits of said town, by virtue of this act, without
favor, affection or partiality, according to the best of
their skill and judgment, and the said bailiff, consta-
ble or collector shall give bond in the same manner, and
under the same penalties that the several constables
and collectors of the said county do; and it shall be
the duty of said bailiff or constable to attend the meet-
ing of the commissioners, whenever they shall be re-
quired to perform such services as shall, from time to
time, be, by them directed, for the more effectually
accomplishing the object of this act, to prevent tumul-
tuous and irregular meetings of slaves and free negroes
within the limits of said town, or if so assembled, to
be dispersed by reasonable and lawful means, and to
punish, with moderate correction, all such slaves and
free negroes as shall be found strolling or wandering
about the streets in the night time, and to prevent slaves
frequenting the houses of other persons in said town
without the consent of their owners.
Taxes, fines,
&c. to be ap-
plied for use
of town.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That all taxes, fines,
forfeitures and penalties imposed by said commission-
ers, by virtue of any law or ordinance, be applied in
such a manner, for the use of said town, as may, from
time to time, by ordinance be directed.
Power to
open, close,
grade and le-
vel streets and
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the said com-
missioners shall have full power to open, close, grade
and level streets and alleys, and remove all nuisances
and obstructions from the same; and also, to prevent
encroachments, by building or otherwise, on streets and
alleys, and all the property, rights, power and authori-
ty now held by the present commissioners of said town,
under former laws, grants or otherwise, be, and they are
hereby vested in the commissioners elected in pursuance
of this act, as soon as an election shall take place.
Power of pre-
sent commis-
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That the present com-
missioners of said town, shall have, until the time ap-
pointed by this act for the election of commissioners,
the same power, to all intents and purposes, which
they now possess.
Banking for-
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That nothing herein
contained shall be so construed as to authorise or em-