CHAP. 367.
Power to elect
a president.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That, the commissioners
so elected, shall have power and authority to meet and
adjourn from time to time, as they shall see fit, and
shall, on the first meeting after said election, choose
from their own body a president, who shall preside at
all meetings of the commissioners, vote on all questions
before them, and remain in office until superceded by
the appointment of a new president, after a new elec-
tion of commissioners as aforesaid.
Neglect to
make an elec-
SEC; 8. And be it enacted, That should the in-
habitants at any time neglect to make an election at the
time required by this act, the power of electing com-
missioners shall not therefore cease, but the right and
power of said inhabitants of said town, in that, respect,
shall continue the same as though such election had
been made, and the president and commissioners, for
the time being, shall continue and remain in office, with
the power and authority until such election shall be
held as aforesaid.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the limits of said
town of Oxford, shall be as follows, viz: commencing
at the bridge on the cause-way leading to said town, at
the head of the harbor, and running thence with the
shore on the west side of said harbor, and east side of
the town to the ford leading to the island lying at the
north east corner of said town.; thence across said ford
to the nearest point of said island; thence along the
south and east sides thereof, to the north, and thereof
at the mouth of the harbor; thence along the margin
of third Haven Creek, on the west side of said island,
to the north end of said town, and the west side of the
same, to the west end of a line running due east from
third Haven Creek to the west side of the marsh cross-
ed by the causeway aforesaid, and passing through a
point lying due south from south east corner of the old
market place, and at a distance of one hundred and
fourteen and an half perches therefrom; thence with
the west side of the marsh to the beginning at the
bridge on the causeway, as shown by a map of the said
town, in the office of the clerk of Talbot county, label-
led Oxford alias Williamstadt, surveyed and laid out
by Philip Hensley, surveyor, appointed the twenty-fifth
day of September, sixteen hundred and ninety-five,
plotted by a scale of ten perches in an inch.
Power to ap-
point a clerk.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall have power to ap-
point a clerk and assign his duties, and allow him such
compensation for his services as they may think proper,
and that all ordinances passed by said commissioners.