SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all free white male
inhabitants, above twenty-one years of age, who shall
have a bona fide residence in said town, for an during
the space of six months, and twelve months in the
State next preceding the election, or who shall be the
holder of real property within the limits of said town,
and have resided six months in the county of Talbot,
and twelve months in the State, shall on the first Mon-
day in June next, at the academy in said town, and on
the first. Monday in June in each and every year here-
after, at such house as shall hereafter be designated by
the municipality, be authorised to elect five judicious
and discreet persons commissioners for said town, and
who shall have resided within the limits of said town
or county for at least twelve months next preceding the
CHAP. 367.
Authority to
elect five com-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the present com-
missioners shall appoint three persons, who shall in the
first, instance be the judges of said election, who shall
open the polls at two o'clock, p. m., and shall close the
same at six o'clock, p. m., and shall return their cer-
tificates of the persons elected, to the said commission-
ers on the day first appointed for their meeting, and the
same, shall be filed and recorded among their proceed-
Present com-
missioners to
appoint first
judges of dec-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all future elec-
tions shall be held and conducted as shall be from time
to time directed by the laws of the corporation, the
same not being inconsistent with the provisions of this
Future elec-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That every commission-
er to be appointed in pursuance of this act, before he
shall proceed to execute his office, shall take an oath or
affirmation, before some justice of the peace of the
county, that he will diligently and faithfully, accord-
ing to the best of his judgment, perform the duties of
a commissioner of the said town according to the di-
rections of this act, without favor, partiality or preju-
dice; and a certificate of such qualification shall be
made and returned by such justice of the peace, to the
said commissioners, to be filed and recorded among
their proceedings.
Oath of com-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That If any if the com-
missioners, during the year for which he or they may
be elected, shall die, resign, remove from said county,
or be non compos mentis, or otherwise disqualified,
an election to fill the vacancy shall be held, at which
all the persons qualified, as is specified in the second
section of this act, shall be entitled to vote.
how filled.