CHAP. 365.
moval or otherwise, of either of said visitors, or their
successors, shall be filled up in the manner prescribed
in, or by the act above mentioned.
Passed May
31, 1852.
AN ACT to authorise the Adjutant General to fur-
nish Arms and Accoutrements for the use of Uni-
formed Volunteer Companies, and to secure their
safe-keeping and return to the State Armories.
Authority to
furnish arms.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Adjutant General, be, and he
is hereby authorised to furnish the captain of any uni-
formed volunteer company that may hereafter be form-
ed in this State, with such arms and accoutrements for
the use of his company, as he may apply for, if the
same be on hand, or in any of the armories of the State,
and not otherwise appropriated; Provided, the Adjutant
General shall be satisfied, that the company, for whose
use the arms and accoutrements are desired, numbers
at least thirty-two men, and that it is duly organised and
uniformed; And provided further, that no arms and
accoutrements shall be delivered unless the captain ap-
plying therefor, shall first execute to the State of Mary-
land, and deliver to the Adjutant General, his bond,
with satisfactory security, and in such penalty as the
Adjutant General may prescribe, conditioned for the
safe keeping, preservation and return or delivery of
the said arms and accoutrements, to one of the armor-
ers of this State, within the space of twenty days after
the company, for whose use they were furnished, shall
have been dissolved or disbanded.
Company dis-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That whenever a uni-
formed volunteer company is reduced to less than twen-
ty members, or whenever a company fails to hold at
least one parade for drill and exercise, between the first
of March and the first of November, in any year, it
shall be considered as dissolved.
Duty of com-
manding offi-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the commanding officer of every uniformed
volunteer company, now formed or which may here-
after be formed in this State, to make a report to the
Adjutant General in the month of November, of each
year, according to such forms as the Adjutant General