way prescribe; and the Adjutant General shall, from
time to time, furnish suitable blanks and forms to the
respective commanding officers, to enable them to make
said reports.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That in case the arms
and accoutrements which may hereafter be furnished
for the use of any uniformed volunteer company, now
in existence, or which may hereafter be formed within
this State, shall fail to be relumed to one of the armorers
of this State within sixty days after such company shall
have been dissolved or disbanded, the Adjutant Gene-
ral shall, in writing, request the officer in command of
such company at the time of its dissolution, to return
the said arms and accoutrements to the State armorers,
most convenient to the place where such company was
CHAP. 365.
Adjutant ge-
neral to fur-
nish blanks.
Failure to re-
turn arms.
organised; and in case of his neglect or refusal to com-
ply, within forty days after the date of such request,
the Adjutant General may cause suit to be brought on
the bond given to the State for the safe keeping and re-
turn of the said arms and accoutrements, and direct the
same to be prosecuted to a conclusion.
Suit to be
brought on
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the Adjutant General, within fifteen days after the
commencement of each session, hereafter, to make a
report to the General Assembly, of the number of arms
and accoutrements furnished by him pursuant to the
provisions of this act, with the name of the company
for whose use they were furnished, and the names of
the obligors and the penalties of the bond taken there-
for; and he shall also show, in such report, the num-
ber of arms, accoutrements, and so forth, in the several
State Armories, together with the description and con-
dition of the same; and the number of arms and ac-
coutrements belonging to the State, which are in the
possession of volunteer companies at the time of such
report, and the names and location of the companies,
and the number of arms and accoutrements held by
each company respectively.
Duty of adju-
tant general.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the dale of its passage.
In force.