value the damages which the owner or owners of the
land or materials, will sustain by the occupation or
use of the same, required by the company; and the jury,
in estimating such damages, shall lake into the estima-
tion the benefits resulting to such owner or owners from
conducting the said turnpike road through, along or
near to the properly of said owner or owners, but only
in extinguishment of the claim of damages; and the
said jury shall reduce their inquisition to writing, de-
scribing the bounds of the land condemned, and shall
sign and seal the same, and, through the sheriff, return
the same to the clerk of the Circuit court of the county,
and by the said clerk filed in his court, and unless set
aside by the court, at its next session, shall be recorded
by the said cleric, and such entitle the said company to
the estate and interest of the property thus valued, as
fully as if it had been conveyed by the owner or own-
CHAP. 364.
ers of the same; Provided, however, the said company
shrill have been paid or tendered the valuation of the
damages assessed by the said jury, to the owner or
owners thereof, or his, her, its, or their legal represen-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That as soon as the said
company shall assent to the provisions of this act, the
same shall become and be considered as a part of the
original act.
Assent of
AN ACT to appoint Visitors for Howard and Car-
roll counties, to the Maryland Hospital.
WHEREAS, The act incorporating the Maryland
Hospital, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty-seven, chapter two hundred and five, in
addition to the visitors for Baltimore city, appointed a
visitor for each county; And whereas, since the pas-
sage of said act, two new counties, viz: Howard and
Carroll, have been constituted; Therefore,
Passed May
31, 1852.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That George W. Dobbin, of Howard county, be,
and he hereby is appointed a visitor of the Maryland Hos-
pital, for said county; and John K. Longwell, of Car-
roll county, be, and he is hereby appointed a visitor of
the Maryland Hospital, for said county, and that any
vacancy that may occur by the death, resignation, re-
Visitors ap-