CHAP. 362.
Arundel and Prince George's counties, respectively, are
hereby authorised and required each to assess and levy
a sum of money, not exceeding four hundred dollars,
on the assessable properly, in their respective counties,
at the time of laying their next county or annual levy,
together with the commission for collecting the same ;
which said sums shall be made, levied and collected,
and paid to a majority of the commissioners appointed
by this act, or to their order, as soon as the same shall
become payable and collectable by law.
ers appointed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the following per-
sons are appointed commissioners for re-building said
bridge, known as the Governor's Bridge, to wit: on
the part of Prince George's county, Basil D. Mulliken
and Richard L. Ogle, and on the part of Antic Arundel
county, Thomas R. Kent and Basil D. Hall, and the
said commissioners, or a majority of them, before pro-
ceeding to act shall take testimony to ascertain whether a
new bridge is required, or whether the one now in use can
he advantageously repaired, and as they may there-
upon determine, they are hereby authorised and em-
powered, as soon as may be convenient, to cause such
bridge to be rebuilt or repaired, as they, in their judg-
ment, upon the testimony had before them, as afore-
said, shall deem proper upon its present site, of sound
and good material, and completed in the best and most
substantial manner, and they, or a majority of them,
are by this act fully authorised and empowered, to agree
with a contractor, or contractors, for rebuilding and re-
pairing said bridge, and the said bridge shall be built or
repaired under the immediate direction and superin-
tendence of said commissioner, or a majority of
how filled.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if either of the
commissioners, as aforesaid, shall die or remove out of
the county in which he is commissioner, before the
completion of paid bridge, or refuse to act, the com-
missioner who shall have been appointed to act with
him, may appoint some other person, resident of said
county in which he was a commissioner, to act in his
place, and the person so to be appointed shall have the
same powers and authorities as are vested in the said
commissioner, in whose stead he shall be appointed
as aforesaid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall he the duty
of the aforesaid commissioners, in case they deter-
mine to rebuild the bridge, to cause a bond, with ap-
proved security, to be given in double the amount of
the contract, for the true and faithful performance of