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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 441   View pdf image
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CHAP. 361.

from the State of Maryland, it shall and may be law-
ful, and is hereby declared to be the duty of the Com-
missioner of the Land Office, to issue a patent or patents
for such land to the person or persona appearing to him
to be entitled thereto, granting all title to such lands


that may be in the State of Maryland; Provided,
however, that before issuing any such patent or patents,
the said commissioner shall order and direct the party
or parties applying therefor, to cause to be inserted
in one or more of the newspapers published in the city
or county where the land lies; if there be a newspaper
published therein, an advertisement setting forth the ob-
ject of the application, and therein describing, by metes
and bounds, and such other general description of the
land for which the patent is sought, so that the said land
may be known, and also, in said advertisement, particu-
larly describing the claim of the party, or parties, ap-
plicant for such patent, which said advertisement shall
be inserted in said paper or papers, if there be any,
at least once a week for three successive weeks, from
the date of such order and directions of the commis-
sioner, and shall, in addition to the mailers of descrip-
tion hereinbefore required, contain a notification of the
day and hour on winch the said parlies applicant will
apply to the Commissioner of the Land office to issue
such patent, which day shall be at least, sixty days from
the day of filing the said application for patent in the
Land office, which said advertisement shall warn all
parties interested, to be and appear before said commis-
sioner on the day and hour therein designated in such
advertisement, to show cause, if any they have, why
said patent should not be issued to said applicant or
applicants, on or after which day, if no person appears
to contest the said application, a patent, as aforesaid,
shall issue to such applicant or applicants; but should
opposition be made to the issue of such patent, the
party or parties making such opposition, shall, by a day
to be designated by the Commissioner of the Land

office, not exceeding thirty days, file in the Land

office their objections, in writing, to the issue of such
patent or patents, upon the hearing of which applica-
tion, to be fixed for someday by the said commissioner,
at least ten days, and not exceeding twenty days, after
the objections are filed, the said commissioner shall
hear the respective parties, if they appear before him,
and if not, then shall proceed to determine ex parte,
the rights of the parties claiming to be interested, and
shall within thirty days after such hearing, decide in
favor of the application, or reject the same, as to him-

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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 441   View pdf image
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