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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 440   View pdf image
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vide for the trial of facts in the several counties of this
State, and to alter, change and abolish all such parts of
the Constitution and form of government as relates to
the General Court and Court of Appeals, and its va-
rious supplements.

CHAP. 361.

The act passed at November session, seventeen hun-
dred and ninety-nine, chapter fifty-eight, entitled an

act to provide for the administration of justice in cases

of crimes and misdemeanors in the city and county of

Act of 1799,

chapter 58.

The act passed at March session, seventeen hundred
and seventy-four, chapter twenty-three, entitled, an act
for the regulating the guaging of casks in the town of

Act of 1774,
chapter 23.

The act passed at the session of eighteen hundred
and four, chapter ninety-six, entitled, an act relating to

vagrants in the city of Baltimore;
Be, and they are hereby, each and all of them, re-
vived, re-enacted and continued in full force forever,
or until expressly repealed.

Act of 1804,
chapter 96.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
contained shall be construed to alter, change, revive or
repeal any act or acts passed subsequently to the passage

of the aforesaid respective acts hereby made perpetual.



AN ACT to authorise the Commissioner of the Land

office, to issue Patents for Lands in certain cases,
and enlarging the Powers of said Commissioner.

Passed May
31, 1852.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-

bly of Maryland, That the Commissioner of the
Land office, be, and he is hereby empowered and
directed, upon the application, in writing, of any per-
son or persons, claiming to be entitled to any of the
British confiscated lands, sold by the commissioners ap-
pointed under the authority of the State of Maryland,
to preserve and sell British confiscated property, the
title to which still remains in the State of Maryland,
and praying title thereto, may be granted to him or
them; and upon satisfactory proof submitted to the
Commissioner of the Land office, that such applicant,
or applicants, is or are entitled to receive title thereto

Duty of com-

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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 440   View pdf image
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