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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 44   View pdf image
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Comptroller, if in his discretion, the interest of the State
requires, is hereby empowered to direct a suit to be insti-
tuted upon the bond of such defaulting officer, and in
no case shall he fail to institute suit on the bond of every
collector of the taxes who shall hereafter be in default or
arrear for more than one year.

CHAP. 57.

SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the Comptroller,
be and he is hereby authorised to employ a clerk, whose
compensation shall be one thousand dollars per annum.

Authorised to
employ a

SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the Comptroller,
shall keep his office in the treasury building in the city

of Annapolis, until oilier suitable accommodations in
said city are by law provided for the purpose.

Office — where
to be kept.

SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.


In force.

AN ACT to protect the Growth of Oysters in Worces-
ter County.

Passed March
22, 1852.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly

of Maryland, That no person or persons, under any
pretext whatever, shall rake or take away any shells
from any of the rocks or flats whereon oysters grow,
within the limits of Worcester county, and any person
or persons convicted of violating this act, before a single
justice of the peace for said county, shall forfeit their
bout or vessel, and pay a fine of not less than one dol-
lar, nor more than twenty dollars, with cost for such offence.

Fine imposed.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That justices of the
peace for said county, are hereby required, on informa-
tion of such violation of this act, to issue a writ or ci-
tation, directing the same to any constable or sheriff of
said county, to summon and take in custody all such
persons, and have them before some justice of the
peace, to answer the charges, and to be dealt with as
the first section of this act directs.

Justices re-
quired to issue

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the boats or vessels
thus condemned, shall be sold by the constable or
sheriff at public sale, they giving not less than five
days notice of the same; one half of the fine and
sales of such boat or vessel to be divided between the
constable and informer, and the other half to be paid

Boats con-
demned to be

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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 44   View pdf image
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