CHAP. 56.
and all such papers, or copies of papers, pertaining to
the revenues or taxes thereof, which he may deem
To keep an
account be-
tween State
and Treasur-
er, and exa-
mine books of
monthly, &c.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall he the duty
of the Comptroller, to keep an account between the
State and the Treasurer, who shall be charged therein
with the balance in the treasury at the time said ac-
count is commenced, and with all monies received by
him, and shall be credited with all warrants drawn on
and paid by him; the Comptroller shall at least once
in every month, carefully examine the account of debits
and credits kept in the books of the Treasurer, and
shall procure from the bank in which the public funds
may bo deposited, monthly statements of all monies
deposited by, or drawn out by the Treasurer, which
Statements the bank is hereby required to furnish.
Warrant to
express the
purpose for
which drawn,
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That every warrant
drawn by the Comptroller, on the Treasurer for the
disbursement of money, to be valid, shall express upon
its face the purpose for which it is drawn, and the act
of the General Assembly by which the appropriation is
made, and the Comptroller shall keep an abstract of
every warrant so drawn by him, and he shall also keep an
abstract of every warrant drawn by him in favor of the
Treasurer, for the payment of money into the Treasury
for the use of the State, and a duplicate of each warrant
drawn for the receipt of money into the treasury, shall
be furnished by the Comptroller to the Treasurer, to be
kept and preserved by him as his voucher for the receipt
Not to sign
blank war-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Comptroller
shall not sign any warrant in blank.
Directed to
institute suit
against de-
faulting offi-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if any clerk, register,
notary public, auctioneer, commissioner of lotteries, con-
tractor, inspector, or receiver of the public monies, other
than collectors of the direct tax, shall fail to account for
and pay over to the treasurer, all public monies in his
hands for thirty days after the time required by law, it
shall be the duly of the Comptroller, to direct the State's
attorney, in the county or city where such defaulter
may be, to institute a suit upon the bond of such de-
faulter, and to prosecute the same with diligence and
effect, and in all cases where any cleric, register or other
receiver or collector of the public revenue, shall have
been in default for one year, before the passage of this
act, the Comptroller shall forthwith direct the proper
State's attorney to institute suit upon the bond of such
defaulting officer, and to prosecute the same with effect,
and whenever any such officer shall be in default, the