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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 42   View pdf image
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AN ACT to prescribe the duties of the Comptroller.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That it shall be the duly of the Comp-
troller, within ten days after the first Wednesday in
January, in each and every year, to make to the Legis-
lature, if in session, or to the Governor if the Legislature
be not in session, a report exhibiting a complete state-
ment of the funds and revenues of the State, and of the
public expenditures during the fiscal year ending on the
first day of December preceding, or on such other day
as may hereafter be prescribed by law, specifying the
amounts derivable and received from each source of
revenue, and the purpose for which each expenditure
was made, and showing the names, residence and offi-
cial character of the persons from whom any arrearage
may be due, with the amount so due from each de-

CHAP. 56.

Passed March

20, 1852.

To report an-
nually to Go-
vernor or Le-

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That with each annual
report as aforesaid, the Comptroller shall return an
estimate of the receipts and expenditures of the current
year, distinguishing the permanent and regular ex-
penses of the government, for which appropriations have
been made, from those charges for which appropriations
are required to be made by law.

To return an
estimate of re-
ceipts and ex-
penditures of
current year

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Comptroller
shall keep and preserve in his office, in suitable books
to be procured at the expense of the State, full and ac-
curate accounts of the annual revenues and expen-
ditures of every class and description, under the proper
heads thereof, as heretofore kept in the office of the
treasurer, according to such forms as under the provi-
sions of the constitution he may prescribe, and he shall
also keep fair and accurate records of all public ac-
counts adjusted by him, or returnable to or kept in his

office, and shall keep safely all vouchers and copies of
all letters written by or to him, in the performance of
his official duties, and a record of his official proceedings,
which books and papers shall at all times be subject to
the inspection of the Governor and the members of the
Legislature, and to enable the said Comptroller to perform
all the duties required of him by the Constitution and
this act, he is hereby authorised and required to obtain
from all public officers, and all bodies politic and corpo-
rate, who have heretofore made their reports and returns
to the Governor or Treasurer, full reports from time to
time, concerning the revenues or taxes of this State,

Accurate ac-
counts to be
kept, &c.

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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 42   View pdf image
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