Office, one copy; to the executive chamber, one copy;
to the library of Congress, two copies; to the General
Assembly, eight copies; and to the executive depart-
ment of each State in the Union, one copy; the re-
mainder to be deposited in the State Library, subject to
the disposition of the General Assembly.
CHAP. 352.
AN ACT to provide for the removal of Primary
School House, number three, in the Fourth Election
District of Prince George's county.
Passed May
31, 1852.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the trustees of primary school,
number three, in the fourth election district of Prince
George's county, or a majority of them, be, and they
are hereby authorised and empowered to remove, or
cause to be removed, from its present site, the school
house in the said school district, to a more cen-
tral location therein, if, in their judgment, such re-
moval will promote the interest and convenience of the
Authority to
remove school
patrons of said school; and for that purpose, the said
trustees are authorised to condemn a lot of ground, not
exceeding one acre, for the public use, and to value
the same; the owner or owners of which shall be paid
therefor, according to said valuation, in the manner
provided for in the act of December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty-eight, chapter sixty-one.
Authority to
condemn lot
of ground.
Owner to be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duly of the said trustees. or a majority of them, to report
under oath to the county commissioners of said coun-
ty, at their first meeting after the removal of said house,
the cost of such removal; and the said county com-
missioners are hereby directed, at their first levy-laying
term thereafter, to levy on the taxable properly of said
county, payable to the order of said trustees, a sum suf-
ficient to pay the cost, of such removal; Provided, the
same shall not exceed one hundred dollars.
To report
cost of remo-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said trustees
are hereby empowered to sell the lot of ground on which
the said house is at present located, and to convey the
same to the purchaser, or purchasers thereof, and to pay
over the proceeds of said sale to the county commis-
sioners for the use of said county.
to sell and
convey lot.