steamers, and with power to navigate therewith the
coast of Venezuela, or any part thereof, from Cindad
Bolivar, to, and including, Lake Maracaibo, and also the
neighboring rivers in the Republic of Venezuela, or
any of them, under a grant made by said Republic to
Alphonso Ride, and his associates and successors, and
with power to extend said navigation to any of the
West India Islands, and to the United States, if the
same shall be considered expedient; and also to make
all arrangements necessary or proper for carrying on
said navigation, and for the transportation of freight
and passengers.
CHAP. 329.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said corporation, shall be three hundred thousand dol-
lars, including the value of said grant made to said
Alphonso Ride, as aforesaid, which said grant, after
fifty thousand dollars shall have been subscribed to the
stock, as hereinafter provided, may be subscribed as
stock in said corporation, at such price and on such
terms, as may be agreed upon between the proprietors
of said grant and said corporation, and said capital
stock shall be divided into shares of one hundred dol-
lars each, and the same may be transferable in any
mode which the by-laws and regulations of the corpo-
ration may prescribe, and each share of said stock shall
entitle the holder to one vote in all the meetings of the
stockholders of said corporation.
Capital stock.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of said corporation may be increased to an amount not
exceeding the sum of five hundred thousand dollars,
should said corporation deem it expedient so to do.
Increase of
capital stock.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That George William
Brown and John Jamison shall be commissioners to
receive subscriptions for said capital stock, at such
times and places as they shall appoint, by giving five
days public notice thereof, in one or more newspapers,
published in the city of Baltimore; and if the whole
capital stock shall not be subscribed, at the times and
places so appointed, other subscriptions may be at any
time received, until the whole capital stock shall have
been subscribed, under such regulations as the corpo-
ration may adopt.
ers to receive
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That as soon as fifty
thousand dollars shall have been subscribed, the said
commissioners shall call a meeting of the stockholders,
by giving not less than five days notice thereof, in one
or more newspapers, published in the city of Baltimore,
and said stockholders, or a majority in interest, may at
said meeting, or at any subsequent general meeting, ap-
Meeting of