CHAP. 246.
hundred and forty-three) and now of record in the
office of the Register of Wills of said county, in Liber
T. C. E., No. 12, folios 152 and 153, did authorise
her executor therein named, to sell her real estate to
the best advantage, and did give and devise the pro-
ceeds of said sale, together with any surplus after pay-
ment of her debts, expenses, and legacies to the Me-
thodist Episcopal Church, in Spaniard's Neck, and to
the Methodist Church called Salem, in said county,
and did direct her said trustee to pay the said proceeds
of sale and surplus, if any, to the trustees of said
churches, to be disposed of by them in any way they saw
proper, or most to the interests of said churches; And
whereas, the said executor therein named, did sell said
real estate, and did pay over to certain persons, acting
as trustees of said churches, the sum of two thousand
three hundred and seventy dollars and ten cents, the
one half of said sum to each; Therefore,
Assent given.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the assent of the State of Maryland to the
devises and bequests, in the will of Catharine Cham-
bers, in favor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in
Spaniard's Neck, Queen Anne's county, State of Mary-
land, and the Methodist Episcopal Church, called
Salem, in the same county, is hereby given and de-
clared, and that the said Churches shall be, and they
are hereby authorized to hold and take under said will
as fully, as if at the date thereof the said Churches had
been duly and regularly incorporated according to
Passed May
22, 1852.
AN ACT to make Valid a Deed from Eli Lilly, of
Baltimore county, to William Disney, in Trust far
Edwin Lilly, notwithstanding the Informality of
the Certificate of Identification of the party
Deed made
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
of Maryland, That the deed of trust from Eli Lilly,
of Baltimore county, who is now deceased, to William
Disney, in trust for Edwin Lilly, duly executed, ac-
knowledged and recorded among the records of Balti-
more county, in Liber A. W. B., No. 388, folio 281,
and bearing date the twelfth day of November, in the