CHAP. 27.
ate public
Emmittsburg, in Frederick county, who were constitu-
ted a body politic and corporate by an act passed at the
December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-four,
chapter twenty-nine, or a majority of them, be, and
they are hereby authorised and. empowered, in their
discretion, to appropriate to the use of the Trustees of
Primary School District, number forty one, of Frede-
rick county, so much of the southern portion of the
street distinguished on the plan of Shields' Addition to
Emmittsburg, as Forty-Six Feet Street, as they may
deem requisite for the erection of a school house, and
other necessary buildings, and for play grounds for the
female department of the primary school of said dis-
trict; the same to be located so as not to impair the
convenient use of said street.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Passed Feb.
16, 1852.
AN ACT authorising and requiring the Return
Judges of Election for Dorchester county, to make
out and return to the Governor a Certificate of the
Returns of the Election of County Survey or, for
said county.
WHEREAS, It has been represented to the General
Assembly of Maryland, that the judges of election for
the several election districts of Dorchester county, failed
to make a return of the votes cast for County Surveyor
of that county, within the time specified by law; There-
Required to
make a certi-
fied return to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the return judges of election held
in Dorchester county, on Wednesday, the fifth day of
November, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, be, and
they are hereby authorised and required to meet at the
office of the clerk of the Circuit court of Dorchester
county, on or before the tenth day of March next, and
make out a certified return of the votes cast for County
Surveyor at that election, to the Governor, who shall
thereupon issue a commission to the individual who,
under such return, has the highest number of votes.
Acts of sur-
veyor valid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all acts performed
by said County Surveyor, commissioned aforesaid, shall