courts since their organization under the present consti-
tution of this State; Provided, however, that all the
acts, judicial or official, orders, judgments and proceed-
ings, as well, of the Court of Common Pleas, and of
the judge thereof, out of court, as of the Superior
Court of Baltimore city, and of the judge thereof, out
of court, which shall have been done, passed, entered
or performed, before the passage of this act, or in
relation to the causes hereby transferred as aforesaid,
shall be, and the same are hereby confirmed, and shall
have the same effect and operation, if done, passed,
entered or performed by the Court of Common Pleas
or by the Superior Court of Baltimore city, as if the
same had been done, passed, entered or performed by
Baltimore county court, and the said court had not
.been abolished, or if done, passed, entered or perform-
ed by the judge of the Court of Common Pleas, or the
judge of the Superior Court of Baltimore city, out of
court, as if the same had been done, passed, en-
tered or performed, out of court, by any judge of Bal-
timore county court, and the said court had not been
CHAP. 159.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases where-
in scire facias is necessary or proper to be issued on any
judgment of Baltimore county court, sitting for city
business, which, with the interest thereon, shall amount
to over the sum of one hundred dollars, and shall not
exceed the sum of five hundred dollars, or on any judg-
ment of said court rendered on an appeal from the
judgment of any justice of the peace of the city of
Baltimore, the clerk of the Superior court of Baltimore
city shall, on application of the party or parties in whose
favor such judgment shall have been tendered, his, her
or their agent or attorney, transmit to the clerk of the
court of Common Pleas, a short copy of the said judg-
ment, and of the docket entries, in the cause, in which
such judgment shall have been rendered, to be certified
by the clerk of the Superior court of Baltimore city,
under the seal of said court; and the clerk of the Court
of Common Pleas, shall thereupon, and upon applica-
tion as aforesaid, issue the said scire facias on such
judgment in like manner, and the like proceedings shall
be hud thereon, and shall be valid in law, and have
the same effect and operation, as if the said judgment
had been rendered in the Court of Common Pleas
Clerk of Su-
perior court,
on application
to transmit to
clerk of court
of Common
Pleas, short
copy of judg-
ment, &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That ail writs of scire
facias which shall be necessary or proper to be issued
on any judgment of Baltimore county court, sitting for
city business, other than the judgments mentioned in
Writs to be
issued but of