CHAP. 139.
applied by it for the promotion and encouragement of
the commerce, trade and manufactures of the City of
Baltimore; Provided, however, that the property to be
held by the said corporation at any one time, shall not
exceed, in clear annual value, the sum of thirty thou-
sand dollars.
Banking for-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing herein
contained, shall be so construed as to authorise said
corporation to issue any note, token, scrip or device or
or other evidence of debt to be used as currency.
In force.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall have
effect from and after its passage, and the General As-
sembly, may at any time, alter or repeal this act of
Passed May
10, 1852.
AN ACT for the Completion of the Unfinished
Business on the Law Side of Baltimore County
Court, sitting for City Business.
Causes trans-
ferred to court
of Common
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That all causes which were depending
on the law side of Baltimore county court, sitting for
city business, at the time of the qualification of the
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and of the
Judge of the Superior Court of Baltimore city, and,
of which, the Court of Common Pleas would, under
the constitution of this State, have had jurisdiction,
had the same originated in the said court, shall be,
and the same are hereby transferred to the Court of
Causes trans-
ferred to Su-
perior court.
Common Pleas aforesaid; and that all the other causes
which were depending on the law side of Baltimore
county court, sitting for city business, at the time afore-
said, shall be and the same are hereby transferred to
Causes so
transferred to
stand in the
condition in
which they
were in Balti-
more county
the Superior court of Baltimore city; and the said
causes so as aforesaid transferred, shall stand in the re-
spective conns to which they are transferred, in the
state and condition in which they were in Baltimore
county court aforesaid, at the time aforesaid, and shall
be proceeded in, tried, determined, and conducted to
final execution, according to the existing laws of this
State, and the rules which the said courts respectively,
have adopted or may hereafter adopt, in the same man-
ner as if the said causes had originated in the said