junior, of Baltimore county, or the survivor of them
be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered as
trustees, to set up and expose to public sale, after giv-
ing six weeks notice in two of the newspapers pub-
lished in the city of Baltimore, and by affixing adver-
tisements in the most public places in the neighbor-
hood of said lands, of the time, place and terms of sale,
all those tracts, parts of tracts and parcels of land situ-
ate, lying and being in Baltimore county, which were
conveyed to the said Abraham Larsh by a certain
Samuel Chenoweth, by deed of indenture bearing
date the twelfth day of November, in the year eighteen
hundred and seven, and duly executed, acknowledg-
ed and recorded among the land records of Baltimore
county court, in Liber W. G. number ninety-five,
folio five hundred twenty-seven, &c. and the said lands
to sell, together or in parcels, on the following terms,
to wit: The purchaser or purchasers to pay one
fourth part of the purchase money at the time of sale,
and to give bonds, with approved security, bearing in-
terest from the day of sale, for the remaining three-
fourth parts, payable in three equal payments, one,
two and three years.
certain lauds.
Terms of sale,
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trus-
tees, or the survivor of them, on receipt of the pur-
chase money, shall, by a good and sufficient deed, duly
executed and acknowledged agreeably to law, grant,
bargain, sell, make over and convey to the purchaser
or purchasers thereof, and his, her or their heirs and
assigns forever, all the right, title, interest and estate
of the said Margaret Larsh, the widow of the said
Abraham Larsh, and of Abraham Larsh, junior, Susan
Dickson, Rebecca Larsh, Mary Larsh, Charles Larsh,
Louisa Larsh and Silas Larsh, the children of the said
Abraham Larsh, and of William Fidler, his grand-child,
of, in and to the lands and premises aforesaid; which
said purchaser or purchasers, and his, her or their heirs
and assigns, on payment of the purchase money with
. interest thereon, shall have and hold the said lands
and premises respectively, free and clear of all claims
and demands of the said Margaret Larsh, Abraham.
Larsh, junior, Susan Dickson, Rebecca Larsh, Mary
Larsh, Charles Larsh, Louisa Larsh, Silas Larsh and
Willam Fidler and each of them and their heirs for-
ever hereafter; Provided nevertheless, That the said
Margaret Larsh and Abraham Larsh, junior, before
they proceed to the said sale, shall give bond to the
state of Maryland, with two securities, to be approved
of by the Orphans' court of Baltimore county, in the
Trustees shall
execute a deed
of conveyance
under a certain