may be appointed, shall, after giving bond as before
directed, have all the powers and authority, and be
subject to the same restrictions and provisions as
were vested in, or imposed on the commissioners
named in the act to which this is a supplement, and
shall pay over the proceeds of the sales made, in the
manner, and as is directed by the said original act;
and after the sale of any land shall be made, and the
same shall have been confirmed by the orphans' court
aforesaid, a deed or deeds executed by the commis-
sioner or commissioners appointed under this act,
shall have the effect to convey ail the right, and shall
have the same operation as if the commissioners nam-
ed in the act to which this is a supplement had exe-
cuted the same; which deed or deeds shall be acknow-
ledged and recorded in the manner and within the
time limited by law in case of other deeds.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said or-
phans' court should be of opinion that a sufficient quan-
tity of wood may be sold off said lands, to raise a sum
adequate to the payment of the balance of the debts
due by the said William Warman Berry at the time
of his death, over, and above the proceeds of his per-
sonal estate, and that the same would be beneficial to
the widow and children of the said William Warman
Berry, and not prejudicial to the creditors, that then
the said court may direct the commissioner or com-
missioners appointed under this act to make sale of a
sufficient quantity of wood off said lands to raise a
sum equal to the payment of the balance of said debts;
or the said court may direct a sale of part of said
lands, and wood from the residue, for the purpose
aforesaid, as may appear most for the benefit of the
persons Interested therein, and after a sufficient quan-
tity of wood, or of land and wood (as the case may be)
shall have been sold, the said court shall direct the
commissioner or commissioners appointed by them to
divide the lands or the residue thereof (as the case may
be) of which the said William Warman Berry died
possessed, between the widow and children of the said
William Warman Berry, share and share alike, and
after the said division shall be made and approved by
the orphans' court, the same shall be recorded among
the land records of Prince George's county; and the
said widow and children shall each of them have all
the right in his or her respective part, both at law and
in equity, which he the said William Warman Berry
had therein at the time of his death.
Relative to the
satisfaction of
creditors and
division of the