Passed Jan. 7,
An act for the benefit of Owen O'Neil, devisee of
Francis O'Neil, late of Harford county, de-
WHEREAS, Owen O'Neil by his petition to this
General Assembly hath represented, that a certain
Francis O'Neil, late of Harford county, deceased, by
his last will and testament, devised to your petitioner
certain lands lying and being in the county aforesaid,
and in said will particularly mentioned and described;
and hath also represented that he is a native of Ire-
land, and hath not been naturalized agreeable to the
laws of the United States; and that he cannot hold
or dispose of said property without the interference
of the legislature: — Therefore,
Claim of the
state to a cer-
tain tract of
land relinquish-
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all the right, title, interest and claim
which the state of Maryland may have in and to the
tracts, parcels and lots of land and improvements,
the property of Francis O'Neil, late of Harford coun-
ty, deceased, and by him devised to his nephew Owen
O'Neil, be, and the same is hereby relinquished to the
said Owen O'Neil and his heirs.
Passed, Jan. 7,
An act to continue in force the acts of Assembly
which would expire with the present session.
Laws which
would expire
with this ses-
sion continued
in force.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all such acts and parts of acts of As-
sembly as would expire with the present session of
Assembly, be, and the same are hereby continued for
one year from the passage of this act, and until the
end of the next session of Assembly which shall hap-
pen thereafter.
Passed Jan; 7,
An act for the relief of William C. Beard, of
the city of Baltimore.
Benefits of the
Insolvent laws
BE IT ENACTED % the General Assembly of
Maryland^ That it shall and may be lawful for Balti-
more county court, or any one of the judges thereof
during the recess of the said court, to extend to the
said William C. Beard the benefit and relief of the act