of Assembly passed at November session eighteen
hundred and five, entitled, " An act for the relief of
sundry insolvent debtors, " and the supplements there-
to, without compelling him to produce the assent of
two-thirds in amount, of his creditors; and to extend
and afford to the said William C. Beard, all the bene-
fits, advantages and provisions of the aforesaid act
and the supplements thereto, in the same manner, and
upon the same terms and conditions as if he had ob-
tained the assent of two-thirds of his creditors to his
release under the same.
An act for the relief of Alexander Turner, of the
city of Baltimore.
Passed Jan. 7,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the judges, or any judge of Balti-
more county court be, and they or any of them are
hereby authorised and directed to extend to Alexan-
der Turner, of the city of Baltimore, the benefit of the
act of Assembly passed at November session eighteen
hundred and five, entitled, An act for the relief of sun-
dry insolvent debtors, and the several supplements
thereto, without requiring the said Alexander Turner
to produce the assent, in writing, of two-thirds of his
creditors, as is prescribed by the provisions of the said
act and supplements.
Benefits of the
insolvent laws
Passed bit the General Assembly of the state of
Maryland, at November Session, 1811.
No. 1.
Resolved, That Jehu Chandler print the laws and
votes and proceedings of the General Assembly, and
perform such other services as have been usually per-
formed by the printer employed by the state, or may
be required by the legislature or either branch thereof,
or by the governor and the council,
Passed Nov. 6,
Appointing a