. Monday in May in each and every year, who shall
make due entry of all such matters and things as shall
or may be ordered as aforesaid by the said judge; and
at each and every such May session, all actions, pleas
and other proceedings relative to any cause, appeal,
writ of error civil or criminal, shall be continued
over to the ensuing December session.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the judge
of the court of appeals required by this act to attend
at Easton on the last Monday in November in each
and every year, or the judge of the said court so re-
quired to attend at Annapolis on the last Monday in
May in each and every year, shall not attend as afore-
said on the said respective days for the purposes by
this act directed, the clerk of the said court is hereby
authorised and empowered to adjourn the said court
from day to day until the said clerk can notify one of
the other judges of the court of appeals; who shall at-
tend within a convenient time, and shall have power
as aforesaid, to make all necessary rules and orders
touching any suit, action, appeal, writ of error, pro-
cess pleading or proceedings as aforesaid, preparatory
to the hearing, trial or decision of such action, suit,
appeal, writ of error, process, pleadings or proceed-
ings as aforesaid; and the clerk of the said court is
hereby empowered to adjourn the said court from day
to day until the said judge so notified shall attend for
the purposes by this act required.
In cases of the
of judges the
clerk may ad-
journ the court
from day to day.
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That appeals and
writs of error may be prosecuted and brought to the
court of appeals for the Eastern Shore in. the month
of November; and to the said court for the Western
Shore in the month of May, in the same manner as
to the session of the said court herein before directed
to be holden for the Eastern Shore on the first Mon-
day in June, or to the session of the said court herein
before directed to be holden for the Western Shore on
the first Monday in December; and such rules, orders
and proceedings shall be had thereon, preparatory to
the hearing trial or decision of such appeal or writ of
error as is herein before directed.
Prosecution of
appeals and
writs of error.
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any one of the
said judges in court sitting, shall have power and au-
thority to enter judgments by confession; to call exe-
cutions, and enter judgments thereon by default, or to
enter them not called by consent; and to order writs
of venditioni exponas in all cases where the same may
be necessary, any law or usage to the contrary not-
Powers and au-
thority of indi-
vidual judges in
court sitting.