Baltimore and Reister's-Town, and the Baltimore and
York-Town Turn-pike Roads, that since the passage
of the act to which this is a supplement, they have
completed the whole of the said roads: — Therefore,
Locations con-
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the roads turn-piked by the Baltimore
and Frederick-Town, the Baltimore and Reister's-
Town, and the Baltimore and York-Town Turn-pike
Road Companies severally and respectively, as at
present located, turn-piked and licensed, be, and the
same are hereby confirmed.
Passed Jan. 7,
An act to correct a mistake in the Deed therein
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General As-
sembly, that Aquilla Call o way, late of Baltimore
county, deceased, purchased of the intendant of the
revenue of this state, part of a tract of land called " Sew-
ell, " lying and being in the county aforesaid; which
said land was conveyed to the said Galloway by John
Rogers the then chancellor of this state, by deed bear-
ing date the fifteenth day of December seventeen hun-
dred and eighty seven, for the quantity of one hundred
and eighty six and one half acres of land more or less;
in which deed it appears there was a mistake made, in
slating that the fourth line of that part of said land
ran south thirty-eight degrees and thirty minutes, east
seventy-four perches, instead of north thirty-eight
degrees and thirty minutes, east seventy-four perch-
es; and it is further represented, that agreeably
to the courses of the deed, there is no more than one
hundred and three acres; and that the said land has al-
ways been held in the same manner as if the said fourth
line had been expressed north thirty-eight degrees, and
thirty minutes east, and which course gives the quan-
tity of land as expressed in the deed; and it is further
represented that the said land has been sold by a de-
cree of the chancellor, bearing date the sixteenth day
of November eighteen hundred and ten; and it ap-
pearing reasonable that the mistake in the said deed
should be corrected: — Therefore,
Heirs or pur-
chaser entitled
to hold certain
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the heirs of Aquilla Galloway, or the
purchaser or purchasers under the decree of the chan-
cellor aforesaid, be, and they are hereby entitled to