hundred and sixty; and where any person is entitled
by deed or devise to the remainder after such life
estate, the same proceedings shall be had as are direct-
ed by law, when a person is entitled to an undivided
part of any deceased person's estate, subject to a ten-
ancy by the courtesy.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all acts done
by virtue of the act of Assembly passed at November
session eighteen hundred and ten, entitled, A further
additional supplement to an act to direct descents,
shall have the same operation and effect in law, as if
the said act had referred to the act of eighteen hun-
dred and nine, instead of referring to an act supposed
to have passed in eighteen hundred and eight.
Acts done under
a certain law
shall have effect
An act for the benefit of Margaret Draper, of
Caroline county.
Passed Jan. 7,
"WHEREAS, it is represented to this General As-
sembly by the petition of Margaret Draper, of Caro-
line county, that her husband died seized of an equit-
able title in a certain tract of land lying in said county;
that all the personal estate of her husband has been
taken to pay for the same; and that after the same is
paid for, she has, under the present laws, no right of
dower in the same, for which she prays relief; and
the prayer of the petitioner appearing altogether rea-
sonable: — Therefore,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said Margaret Draper shall be
entitled to a right of dower in all the land to which her
husband had an equitable title, as fully and fairly as
she might or could have had, in case there had been
a deed given to her husband in his life time; any law,
custom or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.
She shall be en-
titled to a right
of dower in cer-
tain land.
A Supplement to an act entitled, An act to confirm
the location of the Turn-pike roach therein men-
tioned, passed at June session eighteen hundred
and nine.
Passed Jan, 7,
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General As-
sembly by the. petition of the president, managers and
company of the Baltimore and Frederick-Town, the