year forever thereafter, and choose three discreet;
persons to act as judges, which said judges thus cho-
sen, shall, on the same day, proceed to hold an election
for commissioners, as directed by the law to which
this is a supplement; and the said commissioners
when thus elected, shall be vested with all and singu-
lar the powers given to the commissioners contem-
plated to be elected under the provisions of said law.
Passed Dec. 27,
An Ad for the relief of Dominick Galt and John
Thomas., of the city of Baltimore.
WHEREAS, It has been represented to this Ge-
neral Assembly, that Dominick Galt and John Tho-
mas of the city of Baltimore, having become unable,
from various misfortunes in trade, to pay their debts3
bad offered to assign their whole estate for the equal
benefit of ail their creditors, on condition of their re-
leasing them from their debts, which offer had been
rejected by one of their principal creditors, who then
refused, and has since uniformly refused to consent to
release the said Dominick Galt and John Thomas,
upon their conveying all their estate as aforesaid: And
whereas, It is also represented, that from losses in
trade subsequent to this offer, the said Dominick Galt
and John Thomas have unfortunately lost that part of
their estate which they had intended to appropriate
to the satisfaction of the said creditor, who is now pro-
secuting his claim against them, with the declared in-
tention of opposing their release under the insolvent
law, whereby the said Dominick Galt and John
Thomas will be deprived of the benefit of the said law,
and it appearing to this General Assembly, reasonable
that they should be relieved in the premises: There-
Extending the
benefit of the
act cf insolven-
cy without get-
ting two thirds
of creditors to
sign off.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the judges of Baltimore county
court, be, and they are hereby authorised and empow-
ered, without the said Dominick Galt and John Tho-
mas being under the necessity of producing to the-
said county court the assent of so many of their credit-
ors, as have due to them in amount two thirds of the
debts owning by the said Dominick Galt and John Tho-
nias, to extend and afford to the said Dominick Galt
and John Thomas., all the benefits, advantages and