There shall be a
space in each
dock in which
no vessels shall
lie to obstruct
the passage un-
der a certain pe-
18. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for the pur-
pose that vessels may not be obstructed in passing
into or from the docks which shall be on each side of
said block or wharf, there shall be a space of thirty
feet wide in the middle or each of said docks, from the
north thereof to the south, and out into the basin, in
which no vessel shall lie, and if any boat, scow or ves-
sel shall lie at any time in either of such spaces, con-
trary to the intent of this act, the master or owner, or
person having charge of such vessel, boat or scow,
shall forfeit two dollars for every hour such offence
shall be continued, to be recovered before a single ma-
gistrate as small debts by law are recoverable, by any
person who shall be injured by such obstruction, un-
less such vessel so obstructed, be detained by reason
of the shallowness of the water.
Building said
wharf and fil-
ling docks.
19. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if said wharf
be built out by said commissioners, the same shall be
done by contract; and the filling up of each dock
shall be done by contract.
shall have pow-
er to borrow
money on the
security of said
lots and contri-
20. AND BE IT ENACTED, That said commis-
sioners shall have power to borrow money on the se-
curity of said lots, and on the contribution herein direct-
ed to be levied for the purpose of carrying into effect
the provisions of this act, which said lots and contribu-
tion shall stand pledged for the money so to be bor-
Assessors may
employ survey-
ors, &c. and
have access to
the books, &c
of the commis-
sioners of the
21. AND BE IT ENACTED, That said assessors
shall have power to rent a room for the transaction of
business, and to employ surveyors and other persons
to assist in fulfilling the object of their appointment;
and to have access to the books and papers of the
commissioners of the tax of the city and county of
shall not pro-
ceed to fill up
or extend said
street until
owners of pro-
perty injured
shall be paid for
damages sus-
22. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing in this
act contained shall authorise the said commissioners
to fill up or commence the filling up or extension of
the said street as aforesaid, until each owner of pro-
perty injured by the opening and extension of said
street, shall be paid by the said commissioners the full
amount of the damages ascertained by the said asses-
sors to be sustained as aforesaid, or until each of the
said owners shall declare their assent in writing, thai
the said commissioners may proceed in the discharge
of the duties of their office: Provided, That whene-
ver the full amount of damage ascertained as afore-
said for any house or part of a house to be taken down
shall be paid or tendered, the same shall be taken
down, and whenever the full amount of damage shall