have been paid or tendered, or each of the owners'
assent obtained in writing as relates to property front-
ing on Ellicott's dock, said dock shall be filled up;
and as relates to the property fronting on the dock
called Hollingsworth's dock, said dock shall be filled
up; and as relates to Calvert street dock, said dock
shall be filled up; and as relates to Cheapside dock,
said dock shall be filled up; and as respects each,
Pratt street shall be filled up in front thereof. But no
dock shall be filled up until the houses and parts of
houses which shall fall within Pratt street as said
street is herein directed to be laid out, and which are
otherwise herein directed to be taken down, shall be
taken down and demolished.
Certain docks
shall. be filled
An act for the benefit of Moses Ruth, of Queen
Annes county.
Passed Jan, 4,
WHEREAS, It has been represented to this Gene-
ral Assembly by the petition of Moses Ruth, of
Queen-Anne's county, that great and serious incon-
venience doth arise to him, in consequence of his
having at the present time no road open from his farm
to the public road leading from the Beaver Dam
causeway, to Sudler's cross roads in said county; and
praying a road out thereto, through the lands of Rich-
ard J. Jones, Allen Hollingsworth and George God-
win: — Therefore,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Samuel Burgess, John Hackett, ju-
nior, Samuel Rosberry, Thomas Crane and William
Sudler be, and they are hereby appointed commission
ers to lay out and open a road not exceeding twenty
feet in width through the lands of Allen Hollings-
worth, Richard I. Jones and George Godwin, to the
public road leading from the Beaver Dam road, to
Sudler's Cross Roads, in the most convenient direc-
tion, both for the petitioner and those persons through
whose lands the road may pass.
appointed to
lay out and
open said road
—its width, di-
rection, &c.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners, or a majority of them shall, and they are
hereby directed and required to make, or cause to be
made, a plot of said road when opened as aforesaid,
and shall make a return of the said plot, together with
a certificate of the courses of the said road, to the
shall make out
and return a
pint and certifi-
cate of said road
to the clerk of
the county.