15. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said
commissioners be, and they are hereby authorised and
directed to appoint a collector, and in case of the death
or resignation of such collector, to appoint another
person from time to time in his stead, to collect and
receive all sums of money ascertained by the said
assessors, to be paid by the respective owners of pro-
perty benefited as aforesaid, who is hereby author-
ised and required to collect the same by monthly in-
stalments, dividing the same as nearly as may be?
into six instalments, in the same manner that the city
taxes are collected by the collector of the city of Bal-
timore; and to pay over monthly to the said treasurer,
all monies by him collected as aforesaid; and the said
collector, before he proceeds to the discharge of the
duties of his office, shall give bond to the state of Ma-
ryland, with securities to be approved of by the said
commissioners, in the penal sum of one hundred thou-
sand dollars, conditioned that he will well and truly
collect all sums of money ascertained by the asses-
sors aforesaid, to be paid by the owners of property
benefited by the opening and extension of Pratt
street; and pay over the same monthly to the said
treasurer agreeable to the provisions of this act, which
said bond, and also the bond of said treasurer, shall
be lodged in the office of the clerk of Baltimore
county; and the said collector shall receive half a per
centum on the whole amount by him collected as a
compensation for his services in collecting the same.
Collector to be
appointed by
the commis-
sioners — he
shall give bond
— his compen-
16. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said bonds
given by the said treasurer and collector, shall be lia-
ble to be put in suit by any person injured by them
respectively; in the discharge of their duties which
suits shall be brought in the name of the state of Ma-
ryland, and endorsed for the use of the person suing.
Bonds given by
the treasurer
and collector
may be put in
suit by persons
17. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the con-
templated lots on said block or wharf be sold before
the filling up of the same, the purchasers of said lots
shall extend out and build the same, and fill up the
streets to a height suitable for paving, to be determined
by the city commissioners; and a majority of said pur-
chasers, (the purchasers of each lot having one vote, )
shall proceed with the work, and the purchaser of
each lot shall contribute one twenty-fourth part of the
whole expense; and said commissioners shall not
make a deed for any of said lots, until the said wharf
shall be built out as^aforesaid, nor of any lot until the
Purchaser shall have paid his part of the expense of
building said wharf.
If lots on said
wharf be hold
before filled up,
purchasers shall
extend out and
build up the
same, and fill
up the streets.
Majority of pur-
chasers may
proceed with
the work — The
respective sums
to be contribut-
ed by each.
When deeds
shall be given
to purchasers.