Relative to the
construction of
the block— di-
vision of the
squares into
lots — how to be
disposed of, &c.
find how the
proceeds arising
from sales shall
be first appro-
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners, or a majority of them shall lay out said
wharf or block in the following manner, to wit: There
shall be a street the full width of Camden-street, and
in a line therewith across the south end of said wharf.
There shall be a street on the east side, and one on
the west side the whole length thereof, each twenty-
five feet wide, and one in the centre, extending the
whole length thereof, fifty feet wide, and the squares
or spaces on the east and west side respectively, shall
be divided into twelve lots, each of equal extent, by
lines drawn parallel to Pratt street, and shall be num-
bered from one to twenty-four ; and the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them shall make out and re-
turn a plot thereof to the register of the city of Balti-
more, to be by him recorded ; and the twelve lots
lying on the west side of said wharf, shall be, and the
same are hereby reserved for the owners of mills, who
are proprietors of a ware-house or wa-e -houses lay-
ing on the docks to be filled up ; and said owners oi
mills shall have a right of pre-emption in purchasing
the same, by paying such price for each respective loi
as the assessors, or a majority of them shall value the
same to be worth, and in case there shall be more ol
such owners of mills desirous to purchase the same
than there are lots hereby reserved, the said commis
sioners, or a majority of them are authorised to deter
mine by lot, who shall be the purchaser or purchasers
and the said commissioners, or- a majority of them
shall cause the twelve lots on the east side to be sole
at public .vendue, to the highest bidder, first giving
three weeks notice of the time and place of sale in al
the newspapers published in the city of Baltimore, bin
not more than one lot shall be offered or exposed te
sale at a time; and such jcommis sioner s shall cause
s#id lots to be sold on a credit to be paid by equa
instalments, in six, nine and twelve months, the pur
chaser or purchasers giving bond with approved secu
xity for the same, and when the same shall be sold
and the purchase money paid for any of the said lot oj
3ots respectively, the commissioners, or a majority o
them be, and they are hereby authorised to make an e
-execute in due form of law, to such purchaser or pur-
chasers, or his or her legal representatives, a gooc
and sufficient deed or deeds of bargain and sale fo?
such lot or lots, distinguishing the same by the num
ber thereof; and the money arising from such sal<
shall be applied in the first instance, to the paymen
^f tbe costs and ^penses of extending and filling «J