Jane A. Evans, his wife, but not acknowledged by
the said Jane A. Evans according to the laws of Ma-
ryland, be and the same is hereby made good and
valid to convey the real estate therein mentioned and
described to all intents and purposes as if the same
had been originally executed, and acknowledged, and
recorded in strict conformity to the provisions of the
laws in force in this State, in such cases made and
provided, and that the same be recorded in one of the
land record books of Cecil county, as the deed of the
said grantors.
CHAP. 13.
An act entitled, an act to authorise George Francis
White, trustee in place of Caleb White, under the
will of George, Barber, late of the City of Annapo-
lis, to sell certain stock therein mentioned.
Passed Jan 18.
WHEREAS, a certain George Barber, late of Annapo-
lis city, deceased, did, by his last will and testament,
bequeath certain State stock to Caleb White, in trust
for the maintenance of a certain George A. Barber,
during his life, and after his death, to be divided
among his children; and whereas, the said Caleb
White has since died, and George Francis White has
been substituted in his place, as trustee for the afore-
said purposes; and whereas, it is represented that it
would be for the benefit of all parties concerned, that
a sale and re-investment of the said stock should be
made — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That George Francis White, appointed trustee in place
of Caleb White, deceased, to carry out the trusts of
the will of George Barber, late of Annapolis city, in
favor of George A. Barber, and his children be and
he is hereby authorised to sell the State stock be
queathed by the said will to the said Caleb White, in
trust for the said George A. Barber, and Ms Children
and to invest the same, preserving the trusts on real
Authorised to
estate; provided however, that no such investment
shall be valid, unless sanctioned by the Orphans court
of Anne Arundel county.