duty as is necessary to be performed, under resolution
number eight, of eighteen hundred and forty, until after
the termination of the present session of the Legislature,
and they are hereby authorised and required to perform
said duty during the recess of the Legislature, and make
report thereof to the Governor, to be communicated by
him to the Legislature at its next session.
Resolved, That the treasurer pay the members of the
committee the sum of four dollars, for each and every
day in which they shall be engaged in the discharge of
their duty, and two dollars for every twenty miles they
shall travel, by the usual route, in going to and returning
from the performances of said duty.
No. 89.
Resolution in favor of Sellman Cox, and Securities.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer of the State pay to Sellman Cox,
his securities, or their order, the sum of thirty-nine dol-
lars and thirty-five cents, on account of money overpaid
for State tax, eighteen hundred and forty-one, out of any
unappropriated money in the treasury, if the Treasurer
shall be satisfied that such sum is due.
No. 90.
Mar. 9. 1850.
Resolution in favor, of Lawrence A. Dawson.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer of the State pay Lawrence A. Daw-
son, or order, the sum of fifty-one dollars and thirty
three cents, for fees due him as auditor.
Mar. 9, 1850.